Everything is racist

Knives and forks are racist

Coffee is racist

America’s roads are racist

Solar eclipses are racist

The difference between yams and sweet potatoes is structural racism

Speed cameras are racist

You are racist

All white people are racist (written by a white man)

I was asked to agree to a “White People Are Racist” contract at work

Being black is racist

Crying is racist

I’m realizing my friends are racist. What should I do?

My 8 year old is racist

Your loved ones are racist

Quoting Beyoncé is racist

Inclusive language is racist

Capitalism is racist

Socialism is racist

Food safety is racist

Beer is racist

Making drugs illegal is racist

The word “marijuana” is racist

The word “clan” is racist

The word “chief” is racist

The word “picnic” is racist

Google maps is racist

The whole American education system is racist

The Cat in the Hat is racist

The lottery is racist

The 1st amendment is racist

The 2nd amendment is racist

The whole constitution is racist

Climate change is racist

No really, climate change is racist

Climate denial is racist

Air pollution is racist

White meat is racist

Black mythological characters are racist

Swimming is racist

Historically accurate film casting is racist

Welfare is racist

Doing a cost-benefit analysis is racist

Hoop skirts are racist

Brown paper bags are racist

Asking where someone is from is racist

Black Friday is racist

Pulse oximeters are racist

Math is racist

Physics is racist

STEM is racist

Nuclear power is racist

Majoring in IT is racist

Sociology is racist

Shakespeare is racist

Master’s degrees are racist

Standardized testing is racist

When computers are racist

Tax assessments are racist

Republicans are racist

Libertarians are racist

Democrats are racist

Abortion restrictions are racist

Rationality & hard work are racist

Urgency is racist

Writing things down is racist

Saying that cities have higher crime is racist

Research is racist

Patriotism is racist

Western philosophy is racist

Being a professional is racist

Being thin is racist

Esperanto is racist

Corporate governance is racist

Upward mobility is racist

Choosing who you want to have sex with is racist 

New York City is racist

Arizona is racist

Asking for evidence is racist

Maps are racist

Scholarly publishing is racist

Search algorithms are racist

Science is racist

Libraries are racist

Hollywood is racist

Public transit is racist

Nursery rhymes are racist

The world is racist

Race is racist