The difference between yams and sweet potatoes is structural racism
All white people are racist (written by a white man)
I was asked to agree to a “White People Are Racist” contract at work
I’m realizing my friends are racist. What should I do?
Making drugs illegal is racist
The word “marijuana” is racist
The whole American education system is racist
The whole constitution is racist
No really, climate change is racist
Black mythological characters are racist
Historically accurate film casting is racist
Doing a cost-benefit analysis is racist
Asking where someone is from is racist
Standardized testing is racist
Abortion restrictions are racist
Rationality & hard work are racist
Saying that cities have higher crime is racist
Being a professional is racist
Corporate governance is racist
Choosing who you want to have sex with is racist
Scholarly publishing is racist

I run a small SEO consulting business in San Francisco, CA. I like to write a little bit and get in arguments with my friends. It’s the only way I can make sense of the world.